Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Week-End!

Whew! Happy Week-End! I must say this has been one of the busiest yet most relaxing week in Jesus's arms that I have had in a long time! I have loved spending time and sharing with each of my iStudy Bible ladies and just soaking up God's word this week! If you haven't visited Melissa's blog this morning, cruise on over there and check out her 'gotta get down' Friday video. It will certainly lighten up your morning and put a smile on your face!

Today, let's reflect back on what we have read this week and what God has spoken to each of us through His word, and pray that God will help us to apply it to our lives faithfully. This doesn't just apply to our iStudy Bible group. This is for you too my blogger friend! What have you been talking to God about this week in your quiet time with Him? What has He revealed to you? Has He answered yes or no to your prayers? Just receive whatever He has been saying to you and share your joy in Him with someone!

iStudy ladies, have you been working on your memory verse for this week? Can you fill in the blanks today? Can you recite it without any help? Give it a try and if you feel confident enough, do a short video of yourself reciting the verse and share it on facebook on Melissa's Online Study page! This task may take a little more encouragement and prayer for me...videos of myself scare me! But lookout youtube world...I'm coming soon! Ladies, we will take the weekend off, but I look forward to meeting up with you via the internet world on Monday!

So __ not ___ ____ your _______; it will be _____ _______. You _____ to ________ so that _____ you ____ ____ the ___ of ___, you will ______ what __ ___ _____.
~ _______ 10:35-36

Have a great weekend! Spend time with your family at a football game, hunting, shopping, or whatever you like to do with your loved ones!

Striving to hold onto confidence,

1 comment:

  1. So do not give away your confidence; it will be greatly rewarded. -Hebrews 10: 35-36

    That's all I've remembered and I am not confident that it is correct! lol I love our group! I actually suggested it to someone else yesterday, to start her own. I hope you have a blessed weekend friend! Love you!


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