Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Mother's Treasure

When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.  Luke 2:17-19

Can you imagine the joy Mary had as she listened to the shepherds share of what the angel(s) said to them?  Think about the honor that she must have felt when she realized that the shepherds and wise men had dropped everything they were doing just to come see the Christ child that had been born--her baby!  With so many visitors and gifts for her baby, I am sure that humility covered Mary's heart and soul as she rejoiced over the birth of Jesus.

As Mary held baby Jesus in her arms, I am sure she thought about the long journey that lead to that day in the stable.  From the gossiping tongues of Nazareth, to the decree that was issued that brought them to Bethlehem-the town with no room for its King, I know it was all worth it to Mary as she held her baby.

As she looked into his eyes and imagined him growing over the years, do you think it crossed her mind that his future would lead to a Crucifixion?  As she watched everyone ooh and ahh over her baby, did she know that He would walk on water or make a blind man see?  As she kissed her baby's face, did she consider that he would one day rule the nations?  Oh Mary, did you know???

Irregardless of what she understood or didn't, Jesus was her son and a mother's love runs deep for her child!  She treasured her gift from God and trusted Him for his future.

Today, I am sharing a video of the song "How many Kings?"  I pray you listen and allow the words to speak new meaning to you during this Christmas season. 

How many fathers (mothers) gave up their sons for me?....Only one did that for me and you! Thank you Lord for the relationship you made available to us through the birth and death of Your son, Jesus Christ. 

Today, I unwrap the gift of our Lord, the Great I AM, who became the least for me.  May we all celebrate Jesus' birthday with a new appreciation and understanding this year. 

Happy Birthday Jesus!

I wish you all a Merry Christmas!!!

Unwrapping His gifts,


  1. I've even been wondering if she was a bit disillusioned when she had to give birth in a stable and later flee for her life. Yet, she stayed true to God.


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