Monday, April 16, 2012

Note from God

1 Corinthians 2:9 "However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him."

We cannot begin to understand all that God has in store for us on this earth or in heaven. This world brings much sorrow and hardships, but this world is not all there is. In your times of struggle, REMEMBER: The BEST is yet to come! Lean against Jesus' chest and feel his heartbeat and breath upon your life. Trust him to make your paths straight and to give you rest.

When our world is shaking, Heaven still stands!

Seeking wisdom from God,

Monday, April 9, 2012

Resurrection Rolls

We started our Easter morning with the family making resurrection rolls as we discussed Jesus dying on the cross, his burial, and his resurrection!  A great lesson in the kitchen that proved to be humbling and delicious!

Camo is ready to get started!

Ingredients and Directions:
You will need a marshmallow to represent Jesus and his purity.  Roll the marshmallow around in melted butter which represents the oils for embalming. Next, roll the marshmallow in cinnamon and sugar which represents the spices used to annoint the body of Jesus.  Then, wrap the marshmallow in a crescent roll triangle that represents the cloth that wrapped Jesus' body after his death. 

Everyone was excited about making Resurrection Rolls!

Place in 350 degree oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until crescent rolls are golden brown.
The oven represents the tomb. 

When the rolls are done and cooled, open the crescent roll (cloth) and discover that Jesus (marshmallow) is no longer there.  He is risen!  The crescent roll is empty just like the tomb!

Happy Monday after Easter everyone!  I pray you have a blessed week!


Monday, April 2, 2012

The Waiting Game

On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.  Acts 1:4

At this time, Jesus has nothing for the disciples to do but wait.  They were commanded to wait on the Holy Spirit.  Jesus knew they could do nothing effective for the kingdom of God until the Spirit came upon them.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where all you could do is wait on God?  A situation where there is nothing that you can do to resolve your problem?  Maybe your marriage is on the edge of disaster or you are at your wits-end with a rebellious teenage child.  Perhaps your finances look so pitiful that you can't even dig lint out of your pockets. You are just simply at a place where the only thing you can do is wait on God to fix your problem.  Don't loose hope.  God has a purpose for your "waiting" and God will deliver and be glorified! 

Allow me to first confess that I am NOT good at waiting and this has been one tough test for this girl!  Perhaps that is why God has (notice present tense) me in a "waiting" season now.  He wants me to not just learn how to wait on Him, but learn to trust Him completely!  The more we wait, the more we learn to trust.  As my dear friend, Miss Patricia, used to say to my son, Justin - "Justin, you are just-in time", God is always just-in time!  He is rarely early, never late, but always just in time!

These past few months have been a great struggle for me.  I have found myself feeling helpless and not able to control many circumstances around me.  Thankfully, God has taken me from the pit of helplessness, lack of confidence, insecurity, feeling as though my life is a blur TO standing confident in my "field of life" proclaiming what God has promised me and being secure in His arms, trusting and acknowledging His every move has great purpose in my life.  I may not always understand his path for me, but I am learning the hard way to trust his steps for me.    

My prayer for you today, my sweet sister or brother (you that is searching for answers in your struggle) is that you draw as close to God as possible during what seems like a "hopeless" situation.  As long as we have God, we always have hope.  Wait for the gifts that God has promised.  He is faithful and always just in time!

Just a girl waiting,


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