Thursday, July 28, 2011

Unexpected Blessing!

Last night I had a date night with Camron.  He was so called 'starving' and wanted to eat Chinese.  I was hoping for a quiet dinner with just the two of us but things got interrupted.  The hostess sat us in a booth next to a man that was dining by himself.  Out of the blue, the man began conversing with us.  To be honest, at first I was trying to avoid the conversation but I soon felt the holy spirit leading me to go ahead and engage in talking with the man. 

As we were conversing, Camron piped in and said to the man, "My mom is married.  Do you know my daddy?"  (I couldn't help but laugh silently at his remark)  The man replied that he was not from here and didn't know anyone.  He stated that he travels through many states delivering medical equipment.  

As we prepared our plates and sat down to eat, Camron asked the blessing.  Afterwards, the gentleman asked what Church we went to.  I replied but didn't have time to ask him where he goes to church because Camron was taking control of the conversation.  Camron asked the man where he went to church and proceeded to talk about God with the man.  What a BLESSING to watch my child not be afraid to talk about God with a total stranger in a public place! 

The man finished his dinner and said goodbye.  Camron and I both encouraged him to travel safely as he began his journey on the road back home.  He walked away and Camron and I resumed finishing our meal.  After a few minutes, the man returned and proceeded to tell me that our bill had been taken care of and that he had been blessed so much during dinner conversing with us that he wanted to bless us in return.  I was overwhelmed with shock and humbled to the fact that a complete stranger would want to bless me! 

After the man left, Camron looked at me with his big, brown eyes and said "Mama, that was really nice of that man to pay for our supper."  Together we discussed what a blessing and great example this was of Jesus' love.  I guess Camron really let it soak it in about being a blessing to others because on the way home he put his hand on my shoulder and said to me "Mama, you sure are pretty with your earrings and I am so grateful for you."  Now, you talk about melting a mother's heart!  God knew exactly what He was doing when He surprisingly blessed us with Camron 7 years ago.  He brings so much joy and love into our lives and I am so proud of the young fellow that he is.

Hebrews 13:2  "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it."

Love in Christ,

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Confessions of a Jesus GIRL

Confession #1 - I may appear to have it all together, but I am still missing pieces of my puzzle!

Confession #2 - I may appear to have conquered a lot of sin in my life, but there is so much more sin to be dealt with.

Confession #3 -  I am FAR from the perfect wife!

Confession #4 - Confession #3 leads me to this...I am FAR from the perfect mother!

Confession #5 - I am not always correct. (Although, I wish I was) Lol!

Confession #6 - I strive to do the things that are right, but yet I still crave those McDonald's french fries.

Confession #7 - I may seem to be confident in who I am, but I struggle with many unbeknownst insecurities.

Confession #8 - You may think I know the bible, but truth is I will never know enough!

Confession #9 - You may think my marriage is perfect, but my marriage has its moments of struggle just like anyone else. 

Confession #10 - As much good as there is in my life, there is still plenty of bad to be corrected!

You may be asking yourself "Why is Tonya giving confession today?" To be honest, I am not real sure myself, but I believe God has a purpose for it. Sometimes we have to be humbled in order to become great! 

Humbled in spirit,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Check out The 7-day Doubt Diet

Do you want to join me in losing the weight of discouragement and self-doubt? Renee Swope, from Proverbs 31 Ministries is offering a FREE “7-day Doubt Diet.” Just click here to enter your information in her sidebar, and you’ll receive a week’s worth of devotions from her upcoming book, A Confident Heart. Let me know so we encourage one another along the way.


Seeking to be confident of who I am in Christ,



Friday, July 15, 2011

Appreciation Days...

Last Friday, July 8, 2011, was "Cow Appreciation Day" at Chick-fil-A.  As we arrived, we were shocked at all the vehicles and busyness of this restaurant on the outside.  We parked and approached the entry doors.  It was almost like being in a dream or something as we entered.  As I looked around, I became excited and joyful with the sight of people dressed like cows!  From the youngest child to the oldest elder, there were all these cute t-shirts and costumes of black and white cows.  This particular day represented appreciation to the Chick-fil-A customers.  If you humbled yourself in dressing like a cow, then you would be blessed in return with free chicken!  I have said that Chick-fil-A has had one of the best sale pitches of all times with the whole save a cow and eat more chicken ads.  What a blessing this franchise is to people across our nation.  May God continue to bless Chick-fil-A as it blesses others!

"Food for Thought" - Everyday is 'Appreciation Day' in Christ!  He gives us the 'free' gift of salvation, water for the thirsty, and food for the hungry everyday if we choose to participate in daily living with Him! 

Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."

John 4:14 "but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

Humbling myself more and more for Him,



Friday, July 1, 2011

Fire is Contagious!

Do you ever feel as though your fire has been put out?  When you find yourself having a bad day, in the middle of a tough situation, or just plain out tired of satan's mess - Trust in the Lord to see you through and find encouragement from others whose light is shining bright for Christ!  I encourage you to visit Jennifer Fripp's website and be encouraged by her latest blog.

Not all fires are made to be extinguished!

Burning Love for Christ,

Winner is Announced!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 'Heaven is for Real' book giveaway!  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the scripture that everyone shared!  It is so awesome how God's word speaks to each of us!   May God continue to bless each one of you!

And the winner is............

Tammy P.

Tammy, I will email you with the details of getting the book to you.  Congratulations!

Love in Christ,
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